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Wise Woman Calling

Wise Woman Calling

Wisdom is considered so valuable in the Bible that it is compared with precious jewels and other riches and is a common theme in the Bible. It is especially prominent in the book of Proverbs which form the Bible’s “wisdom literature” along with Ecclesiastes, Song of...


I think it’s safe to assume most people attracted to a blog site with the word “Bible” in the title will profess a belief in God. But I hope that others who are either former believers or are agnostic or even atheist will be attracted to this site for...
A Good Word Goes a Long Way

A Good Word Goes a Long Way

In the first blog post of the Bible Psychiatrist we started discussing the vital importance of speech and referenced Proverbs 18:21 which mentions that “the tongue” contains the power of life and death. Proverbs has at over 70 references to “words”, “speech”, and “the...
The Bible Psychiatrist

The Bible Psychiatrist

Welcome to the first blog post of the Bible Psychiatrist! It is truly a joy to openly share a project which has been a labor of love over the last twenty years or so. My hope is that readers will be inspired to join me on a journey of discovery into an ancient...