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Dr Jim Fleming, Bible Psychiatrist

By Dr. Jim Fleming, MD

The Bible Psychiatrist

The word “psychiatry” comes from the Greek words “psych” (soul) and “iatros” (healing). So, “bible psychiatry” utilizes the Bible in the service of healing the soul. Dr Jim Fleming, a psychiatrist with 30 years of clinical experience shares insights into how easy it is for anyone to use the Bible as a source of comfort, healing and guidance. Surprising and insightful connections are made between the ancient resource of biblical scripture study and modern psychiatry. Practical tips on how to access key insights on a daily basis are provided in regular blog posts and we hope to build a supportive community which shares and grows together in wisdom and peace. In short, we invite each of you to join us on the path of becoming a “bible psychiatrist”, to heal ourselves first and eventually to help heal others as well as our shared world.

about the author

Dr. Jim Fleming, MD

Dr. Jim Fleming, MD reconnected to his Christian religious roots after learning to meditate while in college in 1972. In 1978 he became an instructor of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and has been a twice-daily meditation practitioner for 50 years. He began a serious study of the Bible after a medical mission trip to Nicaragua in 2004 and subsequently began seeing connections to psychiatric practice which in turn led to development of this book.

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Wise Woman Calling

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Many religious people regard the Bible not only as a practical guide for living but also as a final authority,  The revealed Word of God. Others see it as a collection of inspired writings based on human spiritual experience and others emphasize the historical aspects. Still others regard it with skepticism and perhaps suspicion or even contempt. My hope is to share a perspective on the Bible which will be of value to anyone, regardless of their beliefs.

– dR. jIM fLEMING, md